Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My 10 Day Diary - I

Today, i stumbled upon a document from history. Well not thaaatt old, but 3.5 yrs ago feels like soooo looonngg ago. Anyways, this document of mine was the first ever diary I wrote. Sounds stupid n girlish but hey, if Doogie Howser could do it, why not me?

Upon recovering this diary from the past, I flipped through the pages to see how many days I actually wrote something. Turned out to be 10. And those 10 days were the ones leading upto the class 12 board exams. On reading it (extremely funny in retrospect) I came to this conclusion. I was a perverted-spoilt-impolite-17-year-old-porn-maniac who couldn't maintain a decent diary for nuts. I emphasize on the word "was" in theprevious line.

So here go those precious lines from my ten day diary.

P.S : some of the language you are about to read is banned in many countries. Eg. India
P.S 2 : Keep in mind my perceptions have CHANGED a lot in the last 3.5 yrs

Feb 19,2002
"Dear Diary,

At last I have started to write a diary. I hope to continue to write it everyday. Anyways, lets see, just 10 more days for my exams to begin. Its going to be a heck of a journey.

I keep getting these dreams now and then. Mainly about girls. But in particular S. Dont know what's happening to me. There is also this weird dream I had of being carried by many people after my first movie became a superhit. Well, If I do become a superstar, I will preserve this diary to show the world. I tried accessing hacking sites again. I've become addicted I think or is just the thought of destroying someone else' personal info. I really dont know."

Feb 20,2002
"Dear Diary,

Strange things happened today. I can't get the pics out of my mind. The ones I saw from the site. I'm not able to control myself from seeing those pics. Always reminded me of S. I know she will never be my girlfriend but I guess these are just teenage crushes I'll never forget.

I'm still waiting for the woman of my life. Guess its a long way to go. What difference does a girl make in a man's life? Just one of the questions still left unanswered"

Feb 21,2002
"Dear Diary,

Tommorow is a big day. If at all I do get to meet the girls, GOD please give me the courage to not stray with my thoughts. After all which girl would like me? Just a big fat nosey parker. Who would I influence? I dont think I deserve to attend a farewell party where friends get emotional. Some friends I will miss all my life. Others I wish I forget them as soon as I can.

Assholes like D,P and M will one day hear from me. I hope I become somebody in my lifetime than being a nobody. There is a dream. One day one will go to his highest spirits that success will start becoming bitter to him!"

Little did I know that the "highest spirits" ,later on in my life, could be quantified and come in fancy bottles!!

To be continued


  1. damn!!! these spammers r fast.. but hey!! my comment lines dont read 0 comments anymore

  2. That was hilarious dude !

    Who the hell is S. lol

    Those diaries never work man, i tried one myself. It lasted about 2 days.

    Will read yr other posts some other time.
